## Vanilla JavaScript Projects ### A [FrontendMasters](https://frontendmasters.com) course by Anjana Vakil [anjana.dev/vanilla-js-projects](https://anjana.dev/vanilla-js-projects)
### About this course - Sequel to [JavaScript First Steps to Professional](https://frontendmasters.com/courses/javascript-first-steps) - From the classroom to the real world - Another step in an infinite journey
### Grand plan
| part 1 | part 2 | part 3 --- | --- | --- | --- topics | FP & OOP
fancy objects
browser APIs | git & Github
Node & npm
Vite & deploys | JS ecosystem
open source project | quick wins | meme me | hackathon
### Ground rules - Everyone belongs here! - There are no "dumb" questions - Growth > Goalposts
# Part 1: Advanced JS -- ### Goals - Learn more JS features - Try both FP & OOP styles on for size - Have some fun with JS in the browser -- ### Ready? # Let's go!